miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

Winter time!

Hi everyone! I'm so happy today yes! It's time to have much fun 
I'm in vacation's winter :). Here never rain but always is cold. The temperature is 12ºC :D. Why I talking about the temperature? xD. So boring *dah*
All the time I'm in the computer,youtube,photoshop,forum's tokio hotel Spain,chat. My activities are boring, I know. But my friends wanna be go to the mall and cinema. I don't like this sities because it's always the same thing. They fight, buy clothes, and me...Well, I only see the around the people and mall. I'm quietly.
Why I don't talk about the love? I know, your favorite theme xD. But isn't mine ò.ó
If I talk about the love, for me the love doesn't exist! It's our imagination,but never feel this. Whatever person says 'the love is magic and you feeling when he or she...' LIES!

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