viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


IT'S FRIDAY! YEAH! Some words from myself. Finally I can sleep quietly. I musn't study because IT'S FRIDAY!

My day started very bad. My classmates make a video BUT! the video didn't talk about jokes or funny moments. A video with our secrets! they put a cell phone that recorded the conversation with my friends and then my friend shout-hey! what the hell...? She got a cell phone!-and we ran down the hall very fast!
My best friend was very angry! She fight with other classmates.
At 10:40 I got math (I hate math!) and the teacher explained the scientific notation. I didn't understand! The test is the next week :S
My sacrafise is over when I had a biology test. At 12:15 I finished the test. A NEW RECORD!

When a finished my lunch. I ironed clothe's cousin and I went to her house to leave her clothes.

After, I chatted with my friends, but the convesation was boring so I went there. Then, my mom said my-if you want to go to bing you musy study history. So, I studied about Martín Lutero, Old age bla bla bla bla...

And now I have time to write on my blog, chat with friends, time to facebook, twitter, think about boys (so idiot!), take photos. I have an entertaining evening!

Well...I'm think about...a new blog. Blog about my stories. I want to post my stories in a new blog. 
On second thought, I ask my best friend. Maybe she always has the last word.

See you soon...

Anouk <3

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Bad things!

Well. My brain said me 4 minutes later 'Magu GO TO BED NOW!' But I can't because I read a great storie, downland music and I hiting my computer because daleted my new creation 'Broke Heart' And I think about...No! I'm crazy. I supposed that...I need other blog for my stories u_u. Yes! I have blogs for all. Then I going to have a blog for the food other for a business and friends.
Tomorrow I going to die. I have a horrible chemestry exam T___T. I hate all about math, fisic bla bla bla. THEY MAKE MI LIFE A ONLY SH*T! (also tecnology, the teacher understand)
My teacher's biology is 'special' yes! He can't teach and undertand his subject. Last week a I had a exam with him and I had 5.5 GREAT MARK FOR A INTELIGENT GIRL!
Tecnology's teacher is other special human. He have 'many patience' with me. His favorite pupil!
In my class I special too. I'm the only rock-gothic emo. I'm the excepcion ¬¬. My friends are normal style.

It's to later, I need sleep. See you soon

Anouk <3

IMPORTANT: Yes! I going to have a blog for my stories :D and I was reading 'Muñeco' (is in Spanish) by Sarae. She writes very nice! But she make me cry ¬¬


Hi people! I'm back here with a new blog. This is my only space to write and talk about music, my stupid but funny and stress life.
Now my blog is in English. Why? Because on twitter my friends speak and English and I need lern a new lenguage (also I need learn grammar. I'm terrible!)

Well, if you wanna be meet me, you can read my curious information :D

Name: Marina (say me Magu o Anouk please)
Age: 14 years old
Country: Chile
City: Antofagasta (I live in north)
Birthday: 7/5/1996

Here and now my important information. This is me :D

Music: Rock and metal
Fan?: I'm Tokio Hotel's fan, Metallica's fan and Panik's fan
My love is: Tom Kaulitz ^^
Dream: I want to meet Tokio Hotel and learn German
Favourite(s) country: Chile, Spain, Germany, Italy
Friends: Panxii,Naty and Cony (soon: Photos!)
Pets: NO! T___T
Favourite song: I don't have because I like many songs. Example: Monsoon, World behind my wall, Every breath you take, So happy together,Summ, Hell song, Blue balls (?), Jeder, King Nothing, Enter Sadman, Painkiller, Breaking the low,Jeremy
Sentence's day: You meet me? xD
Games: King of fighters, Mortal Kombat
Movies: The ring 1 and 2, The notebook
You are: Crazy, dancer, singer,rebel,emo.
Bad of you: I'm very sincere and sometimes I'm arrogant
  1. I hate: Cry ¬¬ and I hate people obsessed with sex (if you write SEX in my blog I f*ck you xDD)

Food: Pasta, pizza, food's mom (it's the best food!),sushi, tacos and anticuchos (chillian food)
Clothes: Black and I like Bill Kaulitz's style (he's so amazing!)
Favourite color: black, red, orange and yellow
Hate color: pink and purple (they are so nasty!)
Brothers?: I have one. In october I going to have other brother T___T (poor life)
What people you hate?: Bitches (I don't know how write D:)

Right! That's all today I wait your comments, critics, bad words, bla bla bla
See you soon!

Anouk <3