domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Bad things!

Well. My brain said me 4 minutes later 'Magu GO TO BED NOW!' But I can't because I read a great storie, downland music and I hiting my computer because daleted my new creation 'Broke Heart' And I think about...No! I'm crazy. I supposed that...I need other blog for my stories u_u. Yes! I have blogs for all. Then I going to have a blog for the food other for a business and friends.
Tomorrow I going to die. I have a horrible chemestry exam T___T. I hate all about math, fisic bla bla bla. THEY MAKE MI LIFE A ONLY SH*T! (also tecnology, the teacher understand)
My teacher's biology is 'special' yes! He can't teach and undertand his subject. Last week a I had a exam with him and I had 5.5 GREAT MARK FOR A INTELIGENT GIRL!
Tecnology's teacher is other special human. He have 'many patience' with me. His favorite pupil!
In my class I special too. I'm the only rock-gothic emo. I'm the excepcion ¬¬. My friends are normal style.

It's to later, I need sleep. See you soon

Anouk <3

IMPORTANT: Yes! I going to have a blog for my stories :D and I was reading 'Muñeco' (is in Spanish) by Sarae. She writes very nice! But she make me cry ¬¬

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