viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


IT'S FRIDAY! YEAH! Some words from myself. Finally I can sleep quietly. I musn't study because IT'S FRIDAY!

My day started very bad. My classmates make a video BUT! the video didn't talk about jokes or funny moments. A video with our secrets! they put a cell phone that recorded the conversation with my friends and then my friend shout-hey! what the hell...? She got a cell phone!-and we ran down the hall very fast!
My best friend was very angry! She fight with other classmates.
At 10:40 I got math (I hate math!) and the teacher explained the scientific notation. I didn't understand! The test is the next week :S
My sacrafise is over when I had a biology test. At 12:15 I finished the test. A NEW RECORD!

When a finished my lunch. I ironed clothe's cousin and I went to her house to leave her clothes.

After, I chatted with my friends, but the convesation was boring so I went there. Then, my mom said my-if you want to go to bing you musy study history. So, I studied about Martín Lutero, Old age bla bla bla bla...

And now I have time to write on my blog, chat with friends, time to facebook, twitter, think about boys (so idiot!), take photos. I have an entertaining evening!

Well...I'm think about...a new blog. Blog about my stories. I want to post my stories in a new blog. 
On second thought, I ask my best friend. Maybe she always has the last word.

See you soon...

Anouk <3

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